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The Azure Selfhosted Agent was unable to find any tests or scenarios to run in Parallel with Junit5 and Cucumber7 using TestEngine identified as 'cucumber', thus resulting in a failure.

asked 2021-05-11 11:00:00 +0000

djk gravatar image

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answered 2022-09-24 03:00:00 +0000

lalupa gravatar image

There could be several reasons why the Azure Selfhosted Agent was unable to find any tests or scenarios to run in parallel with Junit5 and Cucumber7 using the TestEngine identified as 'cucumber'. Some possible reasons include:

  1. Incorrect configuration: The agent may not have been properly configured to locate the tests or scenarios. Double-check the configuration and ensure that the correct paths and file extensions are specified.

  2. Missing dependencies: The agent may not have all the required dependencies to run the tests or scenarios. Check if all the necessary libraries and frameworks are installed on the agent machine.

  3. Naming conventions: The agent may not be able to identify the tests or scenarios due to incorrect naming conventions. Ensure that the test or scenario files are named correctly and follow the standard naming conventions.

  4. File location: The agent may not be looking in the correct location for the test or scenario files. Check that the files are located in the expected directory and that the agent is configured to look in that directory.

  5. Test filters: The agent may be using filters that exclude the tests or scenarios that need to be run in parallel. Verify that the filters are correctly set up and that they are not excluding any necessary tests or scenarios.

Overall, it is important to review the configuration, dependencies, naming conventions, file location, and test filters to identify the root cause of the issue and take appropriate measures to resolve it.

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Asked: 2021-05-11 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 8 times

Last updated: Sep 24 '22