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How do I resolve the issue of MariaDB 10.3.18 index not functioning properly when using the clause "where (value 1, value2)" and having value1 greater than 2^32-1 and value2 less than 2^32-1?

asked 2023-06-14 01:56:38 +0000

ladyg gravatar image

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answered 2023-06-14 02:01:01 +0000

plato gravatar image

There are a few potential solutions to this issue:

  1. Upgrade to a newer version of MariaDB. There may be bug fixes or optimizations in later releases that resolve this issue.

  2. Use a different data type for the affected columns. If possible, consider using a larger data type such as BIGINT or DECIMAL to avoid exceeding the 32-bit limit.

  3. Reorder the values in the WHERE clause. Changing the order in which the values are compared may improve index usage.

  4. Use a composite index. If the affected columns are frequently used together in queries, creating a composite index on both columns may improve performance.

  5. Rewrite the query. Depending on the specifics of the query and the data being queried, it may be possible to modify the query itself to improve indexing and avoid the issue altogether.

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Asked: 2023-06-14 01:56:38 +0000

Seen: 10 times

Last updated: Jun 14 '23