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What are the different technology combinations available for LAMP stack?

asked 2023-05-27 07:12:50 +0000

djk gravatar image

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answered 2023-05-27 07:40:02 +0000

lakamha gravatar image

The LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, and PHP/Perl/Python) can have different technology combinations depending on the specific requirements of an application. Some of these combinations include:

  1. Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP (LAMP): This is the most common and widely used combination of technologies in the LAMP stack.

  2. Linux + Nginx + MySQL/MariaDB + PHP (LEMP): Nginx is a lightweight and high-performance web server that is used instead of Apache in this stack.

  3. Linux + Apache + MariaDB + PHP (LAMP): MariaDB is a community-developed fork of MySQL and can be used instead of MySQL in the LAMP stack.

  4. Linux + Apache + MySQL + Perl (LAMP): Perl is a general-purpose scripting language that can be used instead of PHP in the LAMP stack.

  5. Linux + Apache + MySQL + Python (LAMP): Python is a general-purpose programming language that can be used instead of PHP in the LAMP stack.

  6. Linux + Apache + PostgreSQL + PHP (LAPP): PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database management system that can be used instead of MySQL/MariaDB in the LAMP stack.

  7. Linux + HAProxy + MySQL + PHP (LAHP): HAProxy is a free and open-source load balancer that can be used to distribute requests among multiple web servers in the LAMP stack.

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Asked: 2023-05-27 07:12:50 +0000

Seen: 24 times

Last updated: May 27 '23