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Why does Metamask require a password for every transaction signature request?

asked 2023-06-10 04:21:45 +0000

scrum gravatar image

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answered 2023-06-10 04:49:02 +0000

djk gravatar image

Metamask requires a password for every transaction signature request to ensure the security of the user's account and funds. The password provides an additional layer of security to prevent unauthorized access to the account and protect against fraudulent activities. Without a password, anyone who gains access to the user's computer or phone can sign transactions on their behalf and transfer their funds without their consent. Therefore, requiring a password for every transaction signature request helps to prevent these kinds of unauthorized activities and makes sure that the user has full control over their account and funds.

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Asked: 2023-06-10 04:21:45 +0000

Seen: 25 times

Last updated: Jun 10 '23