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What could be the reason for my Rselenium code to stop functioning without any updates or changes to the system?

asked 2022-06-14 11:00:00 +0000

woof gravatar image

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answered 2022-01-05 20:00:00 +0000

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There could be several reasons why your Rselenium code is not functioning without any updates or changes to the system. Some possible reasons include:

  1. Browser or webdriver updates: If your code is dependent on a particular browser or webdriver version, any update to these components might cause issues.

  2. Changes in website structure: Websites can change their structure, HTML, or other elements at any time, which may make your code ineffective.

  3. Network connectivity or firewall issues: Changes in network connectivity or firewalls can prevent your code from working, especially if it requires access to remote web resources.

  4. Conflicts with other software: Other applications on your computer, such as antivirus software or other automation tools, can conflict with your Rselenium code and cause it to stop working.

  5. Changes in operating system: Sometimes changes to the operating system, such as security updates, can interfere with your code.

To resolve these issues, you may need to update your code or dependencies, troubleshoot network or firewall issues, or check for conflicts with other software.

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Asked: 2022-06-14 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 10 times

Last updated: Jan 05 '22