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What does it mean when I receive "x-amzn-Remapped-WWW-Authenticate" instead of "WWW-Authenticate" and why is the jetty client unable to identify it?

asked 2021-07-26 11:00:00 +0000

devzero gravatar image

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answered 2021-07-19 05:00:00 +0000

scrum gravatar image

"x-amzn-Remapped-WWW-Authenticate" is a custom header that has been added by Amazon Web Services (AWS) to the standard "WWW-Authenticate" header. It typically indicates that the server is using AWS as the authorization provider.

The Jetty client may not be able to identify this header because it may not be included in the list of recognized headers by the client. In this case, you may need to modify the client to recognize this specific header or use a different client that supports it.

It is also possible that the server is not recognizing the standard "WWW-Authenticate" header and is using the custom header instead. In this case, you may need to check the server configuration and ensure that it is properly configured to support standard HTTP headers.

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Asked: 2021-07-26 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 8 times

Last updated: Jul 19 '21