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How can we combine a React single-page web application with an Odoo web application?

asked 2022-12-29 11:00:00 +0000

scrum gravatar image

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answered 2023-04-01 19:00:00 +0000

devzero gravatar image

There are several ways to combine a React single-page web application with an Odoo web application.

  1. Use REST APIs:

Odoo provides REST APIs for accessing data from the application. We can use these APIs to communicate between React and Odoo. We need to write an API client in React, which can send and receive data to and from Odoo. We can use popular libraries like Axios, Fetch, or Superagent to write API clients.

  1. Use Odoo Web Widgets:

Odoo provides web widgets that can be embedded into a web page. We can use these widgets to integrate Odoo functionality into our React application. We can use the Odoo web widget's JavaScript API to communicate with the widget and pass data between React and Odoo.

  1. Use WebSockets:

Odoo supports WebSockets, which can be used to perform real-time communication between React and Odoo. We need to write a WebSocket client in React and connect it to Odoo. We can use popular WebSocket libraries like Socket.IO, ws, or SockJS to write WebSocket clients.

  1. Use Webhooks:

Odoo supports webhooks, which can trigger actions in our application when certain events occur in Odoo. We need to write a webhook handler in our React application that can receive and process webhook events sent by Odoo. We can use popular webhook libraries like Express or Hapi to write webhook handlers.

The approach we choose depends on the nature of the integration we want to achieve. For example, if we want to integrate Odoo accounting functionality into our React application, we may use REST APIs to fetch accounting data from Odoo. If we want to provide a real-time dashboard for Odoo users, we may use WebSockets to receive updates from Odoo in real-time.

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Asked: 2022-12-29 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 9 times

Last updated: Apr 01 '23