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What is the solution to the error message "DB: pq: unknown authentication response: 10" on Windows' Command Prompt?

asked 2021-12-01 11:00:00 +0000

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answered 2021-10-11 08:00:00 +0000

lalupa gravatar image

The error message "DB: pq: unknown authentication response: 10" usually occurs when using a PostgreSQL database and trying to connect to it with incorrect credentials or with an unsupported authentication method. To resolve the issue, you may perform the following steps:

  1. Check your PostgreSQL version: Ensure that you have the right PostgreSQL version installed on your system. If the version is not compatible with the current client, authentication errors might occur.

  2. Check your connection string: Verify that your connection string is correct and in the proper format. It should include the correct host, port, username, and password.

  3. Check your authentication settings: Ensure that you have set up the correct authentication method for your server, depending on the version of PostgreSQL being used.

  4. Check your firewall settings: Verify that your firewall settings are correct, and PostgreSQL is allowed to access the network.

  5. Update PostgreSQL: If none of the above steps work, try updating PostgreSQL to the latest version. The new version might have fixes that resolve authentication errors.

  6. Contact your administrator: If you are still unable to resolve the error, contact your system administrator or database administrator for assistance. They might have additional steps or solutions to get the database up and running.

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Asked: 2021-12-01 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 13 times

Last updated: Oct 11 '21