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How can pgcrypto be used to secure data on Postgres?

asked 2022-06-15 11:00:00 +0000

huitzilopochtli gravatar image

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answered 2023-01-05 20:00:00 +0000

david gravatar image

PgCrypto is a PostgreSQL extension that provides cryptographic functions for data encryption and decryption. It can be used to secure data on Postgres in several ways:

  1. Encrypted storage: PgCrypto can be used to encrypt the data stored in the database. This ensures that if the database is compromised, the data will not be readable without the encryption key. This can be done using functions like aesencrypt() and aesdecrypt().

  2. Securing passwords: PgCrypto can be used to hash and store passwords securely. This ensures that even if the database is compromised, the passwords will not be easily accessible. This can be done using functions like crypt() and gen_salt().

  3. Data transfer security: PgCrypto can be used to encrypt data during transfer. This ensures that even if the data is intercepted during transfer, it will not be readable without the encryption key. This can be done using functions like pgpsymencrypt() and pgpsymdecrypt().

Overall, PgCrypto provides a range of cryptographic functions that can be used to secure data in Postgres. It is important to use these functions appropriately depending on the nature of the data being secured.

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Asked: 2022-06-15 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 24 times

Last updated: Jan 05 '23