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For what purposes is Apache Kafka utilized?

asked 2021-11-28 11:00:00 +0000

david gravatar image

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answered 2021-12-18 19:00:00 +0000

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Apache Kafka is utilized for the following purposes:

  1. Real-time stream processing: Kafka enables real-time data processing by allowing data to be streamed in and out of applications in real-time.

  2. Messaging: Kafka can be used as a messaging system to exchange data between different applications, systems, or services.

  3. Data integration: Kafka can be used to integrate data from various sources such as databases, sensors, applications, and other systems.

  4. Log aggregation: Kafka can be used to collect logs and event data from different sources for monitoring and analysis.

  5. Big data analytics: Kafka can be used as a messaging system to transport data to big data systems such as Hadoop, Spark, and Flink for analysis.

  6. Internet of Things (IoT): Kafka can be used to collect and process real-time data from a wide range of IoT devices.

  7. Microservices: Kafka can be used to enable communication between microservices in a distributed system.

  8. Digital transformation: Kafka can be used as a key technology for building digital transformation solutions.

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Asked: 2021-11-28 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 9 times

Last updated: Dec 18 '21