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What are the basic server requirements for hosting a server that can run nodered, mysql and mqtt?

asked 2022-03-16 11:00:00 +0000

david gravatar image

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answered 2021-05-07 06:00:00 +0000

huitzilopochtli gravatar image

The basic server requirements to host a server that can run Node-RED, MySQL, and MQTT are:

  1. Operating System: Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, etc.) or Windows Server.

  2. Processor: Dual-core or higher processor (minimum 2 GHz per core).

  3. RAM: 2GB or higher (depending on the number of devices and the amount of data you plan to store and process).

  4. Storage: At least 20GB of free disk space for OS, applications, and data storage.

  5. Network: Stable and reliable internet connection with a static IP address.

  6. Node-RED: Latest version of Node-RED 1.x.x installed.

  7. MySQL: Latest version of MySQL 5.x or higher installed.

  8. MQTT: Latest version of MQTT (Mosquitto) 1.x.x installed.

  9. Firewall: Set up a firewall to protect your server.

  10. Security: Enable SSL encryption for secure communication between the server and connected devices.

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Asked: 2022-03-16 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 10 times

Last updated: May 07 '21