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In what way can Bluetooth pairing and unpairing changes (referred to as bonding and unbonding) be monitored for any device in the manner that Android does, in Xamarin iOS?

asked 2022-12-05 11:00:00 +0000

bukephalos gravatar image

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answered 2021-06-22 14:00:00 +0000

lalupa gravatar image

In Xamarin iOS, Bluetooth pairing and unpairing changes can be monitored using the Core Bluetooth framework. This framework provides access to Bluetooth hardware on iOS devices and allows developers to interact with Bluetooth-enabled devices.

To monitor pairing and unpairing changes, the developer should first create a CBCentralManager instance and set its delegate. The delegate should implement the CBCentralManagerDelegate protocol, which includes methods for monitoring Bluetooth state, device discovery, and connection.

In particular, the delegate method centralManager(:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:) is called when a new Bluetooth device is discovered. The method centralManager(:didConnect:) is called when a connection is established with a device. Conversely, the method centralManager(_:didDisconnectPeripheral:error:) is called when a device is disconnected.

Using these delegate methods, the developer can keep track of pairing and unpairing events for any Bluetooth device connected to the iOS device. The developer can also use the CBPeripheralManager class to initiate pairing and unpairing with compatible Bluetooth devices.

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Asked: 2022-12-05 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 10 times

Last updated: Jun 22 '21