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Why isn't the date picker dialog displayed in an Android fragment using Kotlin in Android Studio?

asked 2022-08-30 11:00:00 +0000

woof gravatar image

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answered 2022-07-12 03:00:00 +0000

david gravatar image

There are several possible reasons why the date picker dialog may not be displayed in an Android fragment using Kotlin in Android Studio. Here are some common ones:

  1. Missing or incorrect implementation of the date picker. Check if you have implemented the "DatePickerDialog" class correctly and if you have set it up properly.

  2. Incorrect method call. Make sure that you are calling the "show" method to display the date picker dialog from the onCreateDialog method of the fragment.

  3. Fragment lifecycle issues. Ensure that you have correctly placed the date picker dialog code in the appropriate fragment lifecycle phase.

  4. Fragment transaction issues. Verify if the fragment transaction process is working properly and that the fragment is properly being displayed.

  5. Layout issues. Check if your layout constraints/provider are correctly implemented and in place for displaying the fragment.

  6. Android version issue. Be sure that you have set the minimum and target SDK version in the app level Gradle script to an appropriate level.

Check these possible issues and troubleshoot accordingly to resolve the problem of the date picker dialog not being displayed in an Android fragment using Kotlin in Android Studio.

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Asked: 2022-08-30 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 16 times

Last updated: Jul 12 '22