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How can the Secret Word Game be implemented in Python?

asked 2021-05-21 11:00:00 +0000

bukephalos gravatar image

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answered 2022-12-09 01:00:00 +0000

nofretete gravatar image

There are different variations of the Secret Word Game, but here's one implementation in Python:

  1. Define a list of words that will serve as the secret words. For example:
secret_words = ["python", "banana", "pencil", "school", "mountain"]
  1. Pick a random word from the list using the random module. For example:
import random

secret_word = random.choice(secret_words)
  1. Create a variable to keep track of the player's guesses, initially as an empty string:
player_guesses = ""
  1. Define the maximum number of wrong guesses the player is allowed to make before losing the game:
max_wrong_guesses = 6
  1. Set up a loop that will run until the player wins or reaches the maximum number of wrong guesses. Inside the loop, display the current state of the word (with underscores for each unguessed letter):
while True:
    # check if player has won
    if all([letter in player_guesses for letter in secret_word]):
        print("Congratulations! You guessed the secret word:", secret_word)

    # check if player has lost
    if len([letter for letter in player_guesses if letter not in secret_word]) > max_wrong_guesses:
        print("Sorry, you lost. The secret word was:", secret_word)

    # display the current state of the word
    guessed_word = "".join([letter if letter in player_guesses else "_" for letter in secret_word])
    print("Secret word:", guessed_word)

    # ask for player's guess
    guess = input("Guess a letter: ")

    # add the guess to the list of guesses
    player_guesses += guess
  1. Inside the loop, check if the player's guess is in the secret word. If it is, add the letter to the list of guesses. If not, increment a counter of wrong guesses. For example:
    # check if guess is in secret word
    if guess in secret_word:
        print(guess, "is in the secret word!")
        player_guesses += guess
        print(guess, "is not in the secret word.")
        num_wrong_guesses += 1
  1. Add more features as desired, such as error checking for non-letter inputs, displaying a hangman drawing based on the number of wrong guesses, or allowing the player to guess the whole word at once.

With these steps, you can implement a basic version of the Secret Word Game in Python.

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Asked: 2021-05-21 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 7 times

Last updated: Dec 09 '22