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What is the method of obtaining host IPs from a Kubernetes pod?

asked 2023-07-15 23:56:34 +0000

david gravatar image

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answered 2023-07-15 23:58:02 +0000

devzero gravatar image

One way is to use the Kubernetes downward API to expose the host's IP address as a pod's environment variable. This can be done by setting the "fieldRef" of an "env" property in the pod spec to the "status.hostIP" field. Once this is set up, the pod can read the host's IP address from the "HOST_IP" environment variable.

Another method is to use the Kubernetes API to query for the host's IP address. This can be done by making a request to the Kubernetes API server from within the pod using the Kubernetes API client libraries or by directly querying the API server's endpoint URL.

A third method is to use a Kubernetes service that exposes the host network namespace. By using the host network namespace, the pod can access the host's network configuration and IP addresses. However, this method has security implications and is not recommended unless absolutely necessary.

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Asked: 2023-07-15 23:56:34 +0000

Seen: 16 times

Last updated: Jul 15 '23