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Why are multiple instances of micro services not functioning properly with MQ shared subscription?

asked 2023-07-15 05:17:00 +0000

huitzilopochtli gravatar image

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answered 2023-07-15 05:45:01 +0000

lalupa gravatar image

There can be several reasons why multiple instances of microservices may not be functioning properly with an MQ shared subscription, such as:

  1. Inconsistent or incorrect subscription names: The subscription name must be unique and consistent across all the instances of the microservices. If a different subscription name is used, it can cause the messages to be delivered to the wrong instances.

  2. Incorrect configuration of MQ Client: The MQ client must be configured correctly with the correct shared subscription mode and other settings. If the configuration is inconsistent, it can cause issues with message delivery.

  3. Limited availability of messages: In a shared subscription, multiple instances may be sharing the same set of messages. If there are limited messages available, it can cause issues with message delivery and can result in messages being dropped or not being delivered properly.

  4. Conflicting message handlers: Multiple instances of microservices may have conflicting message handlers, which can result in messages being delivered to the wrong microservice instance or not being processed at all.

  5. Lack of load balancing: Without proper load balancing, certain instances of microservices may be overloaded with messages, while others remain underutilized. This can result in slow processing times or intermittent message delivery.

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Asked: 2023-07-15 05:17:00 +0000

Seen: 12 times

Last updated: Jul 15 '23