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How can the issue of the repository being declared as non-existent even though it is present be resolved while attempting to deploy a model on Sagemaker through the use of Mlflow and Docker?

asked 2023-06-29 01:23:42 +0000

plato gravatar image

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answered 2023-06-29 01:36:01 +0000

bukephalos gravatar image

Here are some potential steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Check the spelling and path of the repository to ensure they are correct. Sometimes, a small typo can lead to the repository being declared as non-existent.
  2. Make sure that the Docker container has access to the repository. It is possible that the container is not properly set up to access the repository, which can cause the error. Try granting permissions to the container and see if this resolves the issue.
  3. Verify that the repository has the necessary files and dependencies for the model deployment. It is possible that the repository is present, but it does not contain all the necessary files and dependencies needed for deployment. Ensure that the repository has all the required files and dependencies and try deploying the model again.
  4. Try creating a new instance of the Docker container or starting a new session, particularly if changes have been applied to the repository recently. This is because the old instance might have cached old information about the repository, which can cause issues during deployment.
  5. Check the logs generated by Sagemaker to see if any other errors or warnings are causing the issue. Some deeper issues may not be immediately apparent and require a more in-depth analysis.
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Asked: 2023-06-29 01:23:42 +0000

Seen: 8 times

Last updated: Jun 29 '23