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How can the error related to converting a webstream body retrieved using fetch in Typescript be resolved when attempting to convert it to a node stream?

asked 2023-06-28 09:06:27 +0000

ladyg gravatar image

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answered 2023-06-28 09:11:01 +0000

scrum gravatar image

To convert a webstream body retrieved using fetch in Typescript to a node stream, you can use the Node.js built-in module 'stream' and the 'pipeline' method.

Here is example code:

import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import stream from 'stream';

async function fetchStream(url: string): Promise<stream.Readable> {
  const response = await fetch(url);
  const { body } = response;
  const readStream = new stream.Readable({
    read() {
      // To signal the stream that there is no more data to be written
  // Here, we are piping the web stream from the response to the read stream
  await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    stream.pipeline(body, readStream, (err) => {
      if (err) reject(err);
      else resolve();
  return readStream;

The function above takes a URL string and returns a promise that resolves to a readable stream. It creates a readable stream using the built-in 'stream.Readable' class and pipes the web stream body from the response to the read stream using the 'pipeline' method. The 'pipeline' method is used to handle errors and ensures that both streams are correctly managed and cleaned up.

You can use the function like this:

const url = '';
const readStream = await fetchStream(url);

// Now, you can use the read stream like any other Node.js readable stream
readStream.on('data', (chunk) => {

readStream.on('end', () => {
  console.log('Done reading the stream.');

With this approach, you should be able to convert the webstream body retrieved using fetch in Typescript to a node stream.

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Asked: 2023-06-28 09:06:27 +0000

Seen: 11 times

Last updated: Jun 28 '23