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What tools are available for ensuring consistency in upper and lower case usage in CMake source code?

asked 2022-07-19 11:00:00 +0000

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answered 2022-10-29 06:00:00 +0000

djk gravatar image

There are several tools available for ensuring consistency in upper and lower case usage in CMake source code, including:

  1. Cppcheck: Cppcheck is a static analysis tool that can be used to detect programming errors and incorrect usage of CMake syntax. It can check for consistency in upper and lower case usage in CMake source code.

  2. Clang-tidy: Clang-tidy is a tool that can analyze CMake code and suggest changes to improve its quality, readability, and maintainability. It can help ensure consistency in upper and lower case usage.

  3. CMake-lint: CMake-lint is a python-based tool that checks CMake code for syntax errors, style issues, and other problems. It can also check for consistency in upper and lower case usage.

  4. IDEs and text editors: Many IDEs and text editors have built-in tools and plugins that can help enforce consistency in upper and lower case usage. For example, Visual Studio Code has a built-in CMake extension that includes linting and syntax highlighting features.

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Asked: 2022-07-19 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 16 times

Last updated: Oct 29 '22