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How can function parameters be transferred into a new function body based on a code that is in string format?

asked 2023-06-16 06:28:19 +0000

ladyg gravatar image

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answered 2023-06-16 06:40:02 +0000

plato gravatar image

You can use the eval() function in Python to convert a string into a code object and then call it with the necessary parameters. Here is an example:

def my_func(param1, param2):
    code_str = "print('Param1:', param1)\nprint('Param2:', param2)"
    code_obj = compile(code_str, "<string>", "exec")
    eval(code_obj, {"param1": param1, "param2": param2})

my_func("hello", 42)
# Output:
# Param1: hello
# Param2: 42

In this example, my_func() takes two parameters (param1 and param2) and then creates a code string that prints the values of these parameters. The compile() function is used to convert the string into a code object, and eval() is used to execute the code while passing in the parameters as a dictionary. The output shows that the parameters have been successfully transferred into the new function body.

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Asked: 2023-06-16 06:28:19 +0000

Seen: 9 times

Last updated: Jun 16 '23