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What is the method for evaluating a spring batch job that retrieves data from FTP and writes it to a database?

asked 2023-06-12 07:43:13 +0000

plato gravatar image

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answered 2023-06-12 08:12:01 +0000

lalupa gravatar image
  1. Define the requirements: Define the expected inputs, outputs, and behavior of the job. This includes the expected data formats, connection details to FTP, and database, expected load, expected performance, and expected errors handling.

  2. Set up a test environment: Set up a test environment that resembles the production environment, including FTP and database servers, and test data. This will help in replicating a production scenario and testing the job.

  3. Develop and test the code: Develop and test the code to retrieve data from FTP and write it to a database. Test the code by performing batch loads with small amounts of data, verifying the correctness of data, and checking performance metrics, such as speed and throughput.

  4. Run automated tests: Run automated tests to check if the job meets the defined requirements. These tests should include unit tests, integration tests, and functional tests.

  5. Execute system tests: Run system-level tests to validate the entire job's functionality. These tests should focus on testing the entire job flow and job performance, including connectivity to FTP and database servers.

  6. Performance testing: Performance testing should be conducted to test the job's scalability, including handling large data volumes, processing speed, and job failure. This testing should be conducted in a non-production environment to avoid affecting production performance.

  7. Test job failure handling: Ensure the job can handle failures, such as network errors, FTP connectivity issues, or database failures. Testing the error handling should include testing scenarios with corrupted data, stalled or failed FTP or database connections, or other likely errors.

  8. Conduct user acceptance testing: After successful testing, involve business users to test the job and ensure it meets their expectations. They should validate that the job's output meets their requirements and any other non-functional requirements, such as performance and usability.

  9. Deploy the job in production: Deploy the job to production after successful testing and user acceptance. Monitor for any issues, and ensure that proper job monitoring is in place.

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Asked: 2023-06-12 07:43:13 +0000

Seen: 11 times

Last updated: Jun 12 '23