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What are the ways to incorporate a shopping cart feature in an e-commerce application using ASP.NET Core Web API and Angular?

asked 2023-05-29 11:07:09 +0000

david gravatar image

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answered 2023-05-29 11:09:02 +0000

bukephalos gravatar image

There are several ways to incorporate a shopping cart feature in an e-commerce application using ASP.NET Core Web API and Angular:

  1. Creating a Cart Service: Implement a cart service class that manages the cart functionality such as adding, removing, and updating items in the cart. Use Angular components to display the cart information and allow users to make changes.

  2. Using Local Storage: Use HTML5 local storage to store cart information on the client-side, thereby allowing users to access the cart details even after refreshing the page. The client-side code can use Angular’s HTTP requests to send the cart details to the server-side API.

  3. Using Sessions: Use Server-side sessions to store shopping cart information. This approach is useful when storing sensitive cart information when users are logged in. The server-side code can then retrieve the information when the user logs back in.

  4. Implementing Cookies: Using cookies can be another way to store the data. Cookies can be used for session persistence, storing user data like login credentials, as well as language and theme preferences.

  5. Integrating a Third-Party Solution: Several popular third-party solutions exist, which facilitate the implementation of the shopping cart feature in e-commerce applications. Tools such as PayPal, Stripe, Shopify, and Magento provide API integrations that can be used with ASP.Net Core and Angular to create a shopping cart in an application.

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Asked: 2023-05-29 11:07:09 +0000

Seen: 1 times

Last updated: May 29 '23