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What is the process for utilizing HTTPS during development?

asked 2023-05-21 20:03:19 +0000

ladyg gravatar image

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answered 2023-05-21 20:12:02 +0000

nofretete gravatar image

Here are the steps for utilizing HTTPS during development:

  1. Obtain an SSL/TLS certificate: You can obtain a SSL/TLS certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA), or use a self-signed certificate for testing purposes.

  2. Configure HTTPS in the development environment: Make sure your development environment is configured to use HTTPS. This usually involves modifying your web server configuration to use HTTPS instead of HTTP.

  3. Update your application code: Update your application code to use HTTPS URLs instead of HTTP URLs. This includes all internal links, resources, APIs, and third-party services.

  4. Test and debug your application: Once you have configured HTTPS in your development environment and updated your application code, test and debug your application thoroughly to ensure that everything is working as expected.

  5. Monitor server logs: Monitor server logs for any errors related to HTTPS, such as TLS handshake errors, to ensure that your application is working correctly.

  6. Deploy to production: Once you have tested your application thoroughly, deploy the updated code to your production environment and continue to monitor server logs for any errors related to HTTPS.

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Asked: 2023-05-21 20:03:19 +0000

Seen: 18 times

Last updated: May 21 '23