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How can a Qt application detect a trigger triggered by a batch script?

asked 2022-11-29 11:00:00 +0000

djk gravatar image

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answered 2022-01-17 18:00:00 +0000

qstack gravatar image

There is no direct way for a Qt application to detect a trigger triggered by a batch script. However, there are a few ways it can be done indirectly:

  1. Use a system call in the batch script to send a signal to the Qt application. For example, you can use the "kill" command to send a signal to the Qt application process.

  2. Use a file or socket to communicate between the batch script and the Qt application. For example, the batch script can create a file containing a certain message, and the Qt application can monitor that file for changes.

  3. Use a network socket to communicate between the batch script and the Qt application. For example, the batch script can send a message to a specific network port, and the Qt application can listen on that port for incoming messages.

Overall, the method chosen will depend on the specific requirements of the application and the environment in which it is running.

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Asked: 2022-11-29 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 10 times

Last updated: Jan 17 '22