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How can we share a database connection across multiple Tonic gRPC services?

asked 2023-05-10 07:05:19 +0000

woof gravatar image

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answered 2023-05-10 07:31:02 +0000

huitzilopochtli gravatar image

One way to share a database connection across multiple Tonic gRPC services is by using a connection pool.

A connection pool maintains a set of open database connections that can be shared by multiple services. When a service needs to perform a database operation, it requests a connection from the pool, performs the operation, and then releases the connection back to the pool.

To implement a connection pool in your Tonic gRPC services, you can use a library such as r2d2. This library provides a simple interface for creating and managing a pool of database connections.

Here's an example of how you can use r2d2 to create a connection pool:

use r2d2::{Pool, PooledConnection};
use r2d2_diesel::ConnectionManager;
use diesel::pg::PgConnection;

// Create a connection manager for PostgreSQL
let manager = ConnectionManager::<PgConnection>::new("postgres://localhost/mydb");

// Create a connection pool with a maximum of 10 connections
let pool = Pool::builder().max_size(10).build(manager).unwrap();

// Get a connection from the pool
let conn = pool.get().unwrap();

Once you have a connection pool, you can use it across your Tonic gRPC services by passing a reference to the pool as an argument to each service method.

use tonic::{Request, Response, Status};
use my_proto::{MyRequest, MyResponse};

// Define your Tonic gRPC service
pub struct MyService {
    db: Pool<ConnectionManager<PgConnection>>,

impl MyService {
    pub fn new(db: Pool<ConnectionManager<PgConnection>>) -> MyService {
        MyService { db }

// Implement the service methods
impl My for MyService {
    async fn my_method(&self, request: Request<MyRequest>) -> Result<Response<MyResponse>, Status> {
        // Get a connection from the pool
        let conn = self.db.get().unwrap();

        // Perform database operations using the connection
        // ...

        Ok(Response::new(MyResponse {}));

By using a connection pool, you can improve the performance and scalability of your Tonic gRPC services that require database access.

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Asked: 2023-05-10 07:05:19 +0000

Seen: 17 times

Last updated: May 10 '23