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Why is data not being inserted in Google Cloud SQL using SQL Alchemy?

asked 2023-04-30 00:06:31 +0000

pufferfish gravatar image

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answered 2023-04-30 00:17:02 +0000

nofretete gravatar image

There could be several reasons why data is not being inserted in Google Cloud SQL using SQL Alchemy:

  1. Incorrect connection string: Make sure that the connection string you are using is correct, and it contains all the necessary details such as the correct database name, server name, port number, etc.

  2. Missing permissions: Check that the user account you are using to connect to the database has the correct permissions to insert data into the table.

  3. Incorrect table name or schema: Ensure that the table name and schema you are using in your SQL statement are correct.

  4. Data type mismatch: Check if the data types of the values you are inserting match the data types of the corresponding columns in the table.

  5. Primary key violation: Make sure that you are not inserting data into a column that has a primary key constraint, and that the values you are inserting do not violate any unique constraints.

  6. Syntax error: Check if there are any syntax errors in your SQL statement, and ensure that the values you are inserting are properly formatted.

  7. Transaction handling: Ensure that you are committing the transaction after inserting data into the database, and that there are no issues with your transaction handling code.

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Asked: 2023-04-30 00:06:31 +0000

Seen: 12 times

Last updated: Apr 30 '23