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What are icons that have graduated colors?

asked 2021-10-08 11:00:00 +0000

david gravatar image

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answered 2022-03-01 14:00:00 +0000

woof gravatar image

Icons that have graduated colors include:

  1. Heatmap icons - these show a range of colors to represent different levels of intensity or concentration.

  2. Weather icons - these show different colors to represent the temperature range or weather conditions.

  3. Timeline icons - these show different colors to represent different stages or periods.

  4. Progress bar icons - these show a gradient of colors to represent the completion percentage.

  5. Map icons - these show different colors to represent different regions or territories.

  6. Chart icons - these show different colors to represent different sets of data or values.

  7. Gradient icons - these use a gradient of colors to create a transition effect.

  8. Color picker icons - these show a spectrum of colors that can be selected or customized.

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Asked: 2021-10-08 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 12 times

Last updated: Mar 01 '22