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How can I retrieve the headings for a table in IMPORTXML on Google Sheets?

asked 2022-06-04 11:00:00 +0000

ladyg gravatar image

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answered 2022-07-18 09:00:00 +0000

lakamha gravatar image

You can retrieve the headings for a table in IMPORTXML on Google Sheets by using the XPath function //table//th in combination with the importxml function. This XPath expression selects all the th elements within the table element.

Here's an example formula that retrieves the headings for the first table on a webpage:

=IMPORTXML("", "//table[1]//th")

This formula imports the headings for the first table on the webpage "". You can modify it to select a different table by changing the index within the XPath expression [1] to the index of the table you want to select.

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Asked: 2022-06-04 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 16 times

Last updated: Jul 18 '22