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How to implement the built-in sorting function of DataTable in Flutter?

asked 2022-07-11 11:00:00 +0000

djk gravatar image

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answered 2022-05-17 14:00:00 +0000

david gravatar image

To implement the built-in sorting function of DataTable in Flutter, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a DataTable widget with the columns you need.
  columns: [
    DataColumn(label: Text('Name')),
    DataColumn(label: Text('Age')),
    DataColumn(label: Text('Gender')),
  rows: // ...
  1. Create a List of data that you want to display in the DataTable.
List<DataRow> dataRows = [
  DataRow(cells: [
  DataRow(cells: [
  // ...
  1. Create a SortColumnCallback function that will handle the sorting of data.
int _sortColumnIndex = 0;
bool _sortAscending = true;

void _sortList(SortColumnIndex? index, bool ascending) {
  setState(() {
    _sortColumnIndex = index!;
    _sortAscending = ascending;

    dataRows.sort((a, b) {
      if (a.cells[_sortColumnIndex].child is Text) {
        String? aText = (a.cells[_sortColumnIndex].child as Text).data;
        String? bText = (b.cells[_sortColumnIndex].child as Text).data;

        return _sortAscending
            ?, bText)
            :, aText);
      } else {
        return 0;
  1. Add the onSort callback to your DataColumn widgets, and pass the _sortList function.
  label: Text('Name'),
  onSort: ( columnIndex, ascending) {
    _sortList(columnIndex, ascending);
  1. Finally, build the DataTable widget and pass the sorted data to the rows parameter.
  columns: [
    DataColumn(label: Text('Name'), onSort: (index, ascending) => _sortList(index, ascending)),
    DataColumn(label: Text('Age'), onSort: (index, ascending) => _sortList(index, ascending)),
    DataColumn(label: Text('Gender'), onSort: (index, ascending) => _sortList(index, ascending)),
  rows: dataRows,

That's it. Now you have a DataTable with built-in sorting functionality that can sort your data by each column.

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Asked: 2022-07-11 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 8 times

Last updated: May 17 '22