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How can memory leaks in UnicodeStrings be addressed in Delphi?

asked 2022-06-23 11:00:00 +0000

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answered 2021-12-06 06:00:00 +0000

ladyg gravatar image

There are several ways to address memory leaks in UnicodeStrings in Delphi:

  1. Use the TStringBuilder class instead of concatenating strings using the '+' operator. This class allows for efficient string concatenation and reduces the likelihood of memory leaks.

  2. Use the SetLength function to set the length of the string to the minimum required size to avoid over-allocation.

  3. Use Copy instead of assigning the entire string to a new variable, as this will create a new string and allocate more memory.

  4. Use the UniqueString function to ensure that each UnicodeString variable has its own copy of the string data, reducing the likelihood of sharing the string data and creating memory leaks.

  5. Use the FastMM4 memory manager, which provides advanced memory management features and can help to identify and prevent memory leaks.

  6. Use the memory allocation and deallocation functions provided by the Windows API, such as AllocMem and FreeMem, to allocate and free memory in a controlled and efficient manner.

  7. Use the built-in memory profiler in Delphi to identify and track down memory leaks in UnicodeStrings.

By following these best practices and using the appropriate tools and techniques, developers can effectively address memory leaks in UnicodeStrings in Delphi, and ensure that their applications are efficient and reliable.

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Asked: 2022-06-23 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 21 times

Last updated: Dec 06 '21