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How can communication be established between Python and Arduino Teensy?

asked 2021-08-21 11:00:00 +0000

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answered 2022-04-14 19:00:00 +0000

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Communication between Python and Arduino Teensy can be established using the following methods:

  1. Serial communication: The Teensy board can be connected to the computer using a USB cable and the serial interface can be used to send and receive data between Python and Arduino. Python has a library pySerial that can be used to establish serial communication with the Teensy board.

  2. Firmata protocol: Firmata is a protocol that enables communication between computer software and microcontrollers like Arduino without writing any code on the microcontroller. Python has a library pyFirmata that can be used to establish communication with the Teensy board using the Firmata protocol.

  3. PySerial Arduino: PySerial Arduino is a Python library that provides a simple interface for communicating with Arduino boards using serial communication. This library makes it easy to send and receive data between Python and Arduino.

  4. MQTT protocol: MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a communication protocol that is widely used in IoT applications. Python has a library paho-mqtt that can be used to send and receive data between the Teensy board and a MQTT broker running on the computer.

  5. Ethernet shield: If the Teensy board is equipped with an Ethernet shield, it can be connected to the computer using an Ethernet cable and the Ethernet interface can be used to send and receive data between Python and Arduino. Python has a library pyEthernet that can be used to establish communication with the Teensy board over Ethernet.

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Asked: 2021-08-21 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 10 times

Last updated: Apr 14 '22