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The process of automating sign-in for an Expo React Native application typically involves the following steps:

  1. Create a sign-in form: Develop a UI screen containing a form where users can enter their login credentials such as email and password.

  2. Create an authentication API: Build an API endpoint that users can call to verify their credentials and return a JWT (JSON Web Token) if authenticated.

  3. Implement JWT storage: Store the token locally on the device using the AsyncStorage library.

  4. Add conditional navigation: Create a navigation logic in the app that checks if the user is authenticated. If not, they will be redirected to the login screen.

  5. Use higher-order components: Use higher-order components (HoC) to wrap the components that require authentication. This way, any unauthorized access attempts are automatically rejected.

  6. Automate sign-in: Implement a mechanism for automatically signing in after the initial user authentication. You can achieve this using session cookies or long-lived tokens.

  7. Test and refine: Test the automation thoroughly and refine the logic as required. Finally, deploy the updated app and monitor its performance.