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Here is a general process for transforming data from a JSON file obtained from an Azure API into a CSV format:

  1. Retrieve the JSON file from the Azure API by making a GET request using a programming language such as Python or JavaScript.

  2. Parse the JSON file into an array of objects using a JSON parser such as the built-in JSON.parse function in JavaScript or the json library in Python.

  3. Create an empty array to hold the transformed data.

  4. For each object in the array of JSON data, create a new object with properties corresponding to the columns you want in the CSV file. Add this new object to the empty array created in step 3.

  5. Use a CSV writer library to convert the array of objects to a CSV file. Examples of such libraries include the built-in csv module in Python or the csv-writer library in JavaScript.

  6. Save the resulting CSV file to your desired location.

Note that the exact implementation of this process will depend on the specifics of your JSON data and your desired CSV format.