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The process of attaching meta-data to an express route includes defining a property on the route handler function and assigning it a value. For example:

app.get('/user', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Hello World!');

// attaching meta-data to the route
app._router.stack[0].meta = {
  description: 'Route to get user data',
  version: '1.0.0'

In the above example, we attach meta-data to the /user route by adding a meta property to the first item in the router stack. The meta object contains a description and version of the route.

To access this meta-data, we can use the router.stack property of the express app object. This property contains an array of all the registered routes and their handlers. We can iterate through this array and retrieve the meta-data for each route:

app._router.stack.forEach((route) => {
  if (route.meta) {
    console.log(`Route: ${route.route.path}`);

The above code snippet iterates through all the routes in the app and logs the path and meta-data for any route that has a meta property attached to it.