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The std::bad_alloc error message indicates that there is a memory allocation problem with the rTorrent Docker container. This error occurs when there is not enough memory available for the application to execute.

To resolve this error, you can try the following steps:

  1. Increase the memory allocated to the Docker container by specifying the --memory flag in the docker run command. For example:
docker run --memory 2g rTorrent
  1. Check the system's memory usage and free up memory as necessary. You can use the free command to check the memory usage.

  2. Check the container logs to identify any other errors that may be causing the issue. You can use the docker logs command to view the container logs.

  3. Try restarting the Docker daemon or the entire system.

If none of the above steps work, you may need to troubleshoot further or seek assistance from the Docker community.