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Pub-sub can be implemented on AWS using the following services:

  1. Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service): SNS allows you to send push notifications to multiple subscribers using different protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, email, SMS, and mobile push. SNS is a pub/sub service that uses topics to distribute messages to multiple subscribers.

  2. Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service): SQS is a reliable, highly scalable, and fully managed message queuing service that allows you to decouple and scale the message processing components of your applications. SQS offers a standard queue that preserves the order of messages and a FIFO queue that guarantees exactly-once processing.

  3. Amazon Kinesis: Kinesis is a managed service for real-time data streaming and processing. Kinesis can be used to collect, process, and analyze data from various sources such as mobile devices, IoT devices, and social media platforms. Kinesis supports pub/sub messaging with its streams feature.

  4. AWS IoT (Internet of Things): AWS IoT is a set of managed services that allow you to connect IoT devices to the cloud, store and analyze data from these devices, and create IoT applications. AWS IoT supports pub/sub messaging using MQTT, a lightweight messaging protocol designed for IoT devices.

Overall, there are different ways to implement pub-sub on AWS, depending on your application requirements and the AWS services you use.