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There could be several reasons why the React Native PDF in the WebView is displaying only its initial page. Some possible reasons are:

  1. The PDF file may not be fully loaded yet. This can happen if the file is too large or if the internet connection is slow. You can try waiting for the file to completely load or check if there are any errors in the console.

  2. The WebView may be using a cache that is only showing the initial page. You can try clearing the cache or refreshing the page to see if that solves the issue.

  3. The PDF viewer may not be compatible with the WebView. You can try using a different PDF viewer or try displaying the PDF in a different way, such as using a library like react-native-pdf.

  4. There may be a bug in the code that is causing the issue. You can try checking the code for any errors or debugging the issue to identify the root cause.