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Apache Flink can be utilized for implementing a pre-trained ML model in the following way:

  1. First, the pre-trained model needs to be converted into a format that can be used by Flink. This could involve converting the model into a Java or Scala object or serializing it in a way that Flink can read it.

  2. Next, the data that needs to be processed needs to be loaded into Flink's distributed file system. Flink can read data from different sources such as Apache Kafka, CSV files, HDFS, or any other data source.

  3. Once the model and data are both in Flink, the data can be transformed into a format that can be fed into the model. This step usually involves data cleaning, preprocessing and feature selection.

  4. The transformed data is then fed into the pre-trained ML model, which makes predictions on the data.

  5. Finally, the output of the model can be stored back in Flink's distributed file system or passed to another module for further processing.

Apache Flink provides a powerful stream processing platform that can scale up to handle very large data sets in real-time. By utilizing Flink, we can build a pipeline that feeds data from multiple sources through the pre-trained model and generates predictions in a distributed and fault-tolerant way.