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There could be several reasons why the created GCC code for accessing and allocating arrays does not adhere to the %eax, %rcx, 4(%rdx) pattern:

  1. The compiler optimization settings: The code generated by GCC depends on the optimization level set by the user. Different optimization settings can lead to different code generation patterns.

  2. The data type of the array: The pattern %eax, %rcx, 4(%rdx) could be specific to a certain data type. If the array is of a different data type, the code generation pattern could change.

  3. The array size: The pattern %eax, %rcx, 4(%rdx) could be optimized for a certain array size. If the array size is different, the code generation pattern could change.

  4. The target architecture: The code generated by GCC depends on the target architecture. Different architectures could require different code generation patterns for accessing and allocating arrays.

  5. The compiler version: The code generated by GCC could differ between different versions of the compiler. Different versions could have different optimizations and code generation patterns.