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There are several methods to link VBScript (Excel) with a SQL Server web database using an IP address. Here is one approach:

  1. Install the SQL Server ODBC driver on the client machine where Excel is installed.
  2. Open Excel and navigate to the Data tab. Click on the From Other Sources dropdown and select From Microsoft Query.
  3. Select the SQL Server ODBC driver as the data source and enter the IP address of the SQL Server in the Server field. Enter the username and password credentials for accessing the database.
  4. Select the database and tables you want to link to Excel and configure any filtering or sorting options as needed.
  5. Once the data is imported into Excel, you can use VBScript to manipulate and analyze the data as needed, using SQL queries and standard Excel functions.

Note that this method assumes that you have the necessary permissions and network access to connect to the SQL Server web database from your client machine. If you encounter any issues, consult with your IT team or database administrator for assistance.