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The process of converting Ajax code from jQuery to JavaScript involves the following steps:

  1. Understand the Ajax request: Review the jQuery code and understand the AJAX request's purpose and the data being sent and received.

  2. Review the JavaScript AJAX code: Learn the syntax and relevant functionality for AJAX from plain JavaScript.

  3. Create XMLHttpRequest object: Use the XMLHttpRequest object in JavaScript to make an AJAX request.

  4. Set Request Headers and Callback function: Configure request headers and define the callback function for handling request success or error.

  5. Create and Execute Request: Use the open () method to set the request method, URL, headers, and send () method to execute the request.

  6. Process Response: In the callback function, process response and use JavaScript DOM manipulation to add and change HTML elements, if necessary.

  7. Test and Debug: Test the code, check browser compatibility, and debug if required.

  8. Optimize: Optimize the code if required.

In conclusion, converting Ajax code from jQuery to JavaScript may be challenging and time-consuming, but it is vital to learn the basics of Ajax implementation, making your applications more accessible to your audience.