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There could be several reasons why the "Width=Auto" is not effective in your XAML:

  1. Container constraints: If your XAML element is nested inside a container, the container may have a fixed width that is overriding the "Width=Auto" property of the element.

  2. Content size: If the content inside the XAML element has a fixed width or is not flexible, it can also prevent the "Width=Auto" property from working as expected.

  3. Layout properties: Other layout properties such as Margin or Padding may also be affecting the width of the element and overriding the "Width=Auto" property.

  4. Control template: If the XAML element is a custom control with a control template, the control template may be setting a fixed width that is overriding the "Width=Auto" property.

To troubleshoot this issue, you can inspect the element using a XAML debugging tool such as Visual Studio Live Property Explorer or Snoop. This will allow you to see the actual width values of the element and identify any constraints or layout properties that are affecting its width.