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initial version
  1. Optimize Images: Use compressed and optimized images that don't take a long time to load
  2. Remove unnecessary code: Dig through your code and eliminate any inline styles or extra code that isn't required
  3. Reduce server requests: Try to limit the number of requests for external files by using fewer files or combining multiple files
  4. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): CDNs store your static files in different locations around the world, helping to speed up delivery to users in different locations
  5. Minimize HTTP requests: Limit the number of requests from your server
  6. Use a cache plugin: Use a caching plugin to speed up your site and reduce the amount of time it takes to load pages
  7. Optimize CSS: Optimize CSS code, inlining small CSS files into the HTML, and making styles more concise
  8. Minimize JavaScript: Minimize script files, and remove jQuery where you can. Optimized and load scripts at the very end of HTML file
  9. Code compression: Compress HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, so that they take less time to transfer and load on the user's browser.