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To insert a file path into Tkinter through drag and drop function, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a function that will handle the drop event. This function should take an event as an argument and extract the file path from it using the attribute.
def handle_drop(event):
    file_path =
    # do something with the file path
  1. Bind the <<Drop>> event to the desired widget. This event will be triggered when a file is dropped onto the widget.
widget.bind("<<Drop>>", handle_drop)
  1. Enable drop support on the widget by setting the droptypes attribute to a list of supported file types.
widget.droptypes = ["file"]
  1. Finally, create a drag and drop handler using the DragDropHandler class provided by the tkinterdnd2 module, and start the main loop.
from tkinterdnd2 import *

root = TkinterDnD.Tk()
widget = Label(root, text="Drop files here")

# enable drop support for file paths
widget.droptypes = ["file"]

# handle drop event
def handle_drop(event):
    file_path =
    # do something with the file path

# bind drop event to widget
widget.bind("<<Drop>>", handle_drop)

# start main loop

With these steps, you should be able to insert a file path into Tkinter through drag and drop function.