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initial version
  1. First, create a table in the database with the necessary columns to store the emojis.

  2. Next, create a model in Laravel for the emoji table.

  3. Create a controller that will be responsible for retrieving the emojis from the database.

  4. In the controller, write a method that will retrieve the emojis from the database and return them as a JSON response.

  5. In the view, use JavaScript or a JavaScript library like jQuery to make an AJAX call to the controller's method and retrieve the emojis.

  6. Once the emojis are retrieved, display them on the web page using HTML and CSS.

  7. To display the emojis properly, use a font that supports emojis like Noto Emoji or Twemoji.

  8. Lastly, include the font in your web page and use CSS styling to apply it to the emojis.