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You can retrieve the position of the score from the relationship table in Laravel by using the rank() function in a database query. The rank() function is used to assign a rank to each row based on the order of the scores.

Here is a sample query to retrieve the score position:

$scorePosition = DB::table('scores')
    ->select('user_id', 'score', DB::raw('rank() over (order by score desc) as position'))

In the example above, we have selected the user_id and score columns along with the rank() function to assign a rank to each row based on the descending order of the scores. The result will have a column named position which represents the position of the score.

You can also add a where clause to filter the results based on certain conditions:

$scorePosition = DB::table('scores')
    ->select('user_id', 'score', DB::raw('rank() over (order by score desc) as position'))
    ->where('score', '>', 50)

The query above will only retrieve the scores that are greater than 50 and assign a rank to each row.