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To automate the control of Proton VPN using Pywinauto, we can follow the steps below:

  1. Install the Pywinauto library using pip:
pip install pywinauto
  1. Open Proton VPN and identify the window name or handle:
from pywinauto import Desktop
app = Desktop(backend="uia").windows()
for window in app:

This will print the title of all open windows. Look for the window that says "ProtonVPN" or similar.

  1. Control the Proton VPN window using Pywinauto:
from pywinauto import Desktop
import time

# Identify the Proton VPN window
app = Desktop(backend="uia").window(title="ProtonVPN")

# Click the "Connect" button
connect_button = app.child_window(title="Connect", control_type="Button")

# Wait for connection to be established
while not app.child_window(title="Disconnect", control_type="Button").exists():

# Disconnect from VPN
disconnect_button = app.child_window(title="Disconnect", control_type="Button")

In the code above, we first identify the Proton VPN window using its title. We then find the "Connect" button and click it to connect to the VPN. We use a while loop to wait for the connection to be established by checking whether the "Disconnect" button exists. Finally, we find the "Disconnect" button and click it to disconnect from the VPN.