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There may be several reasons why the Livewire component fails to display when using the query string to navigate the browser history. Some of the possible reasons are:

  1. The component may not be set up correctly or may have some errors.
  2. The query string may be incorrect or incomplete, leading to unexpected behavior or errors.
  3. The page may not be fully loaded or initialized, causing issues with Livewire.
  4. There may be conflicts or issues with other JavaScript libraries or components on the page.
  5. The Livewire version may not be compatible with the browser or environment being used.

To address this issue, some steps that can be taken are:

  1. Make sure that the Livewire component is set up correctly and all dependencies are installed.
  2. Verify that the query string being used is correct and includes all necessary parameters.
  3. Ensure that the page is fully loaded and initialized before interacting with the Livewire component.
  4. Check for conflicts or issues with other JavaScript libraries or components on the page and resolve them if possible.
  5. Try updating to the latest Livewire version or using a different browser or environment.