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There could be multiple reasons why the items are not showing up in Python Treeview. Some of the possible reasons are:

  1. The data is not properly formatted: The data that you are trying to display in the Treeview might not be properly formatted. Check if the data is in the correct format and if it includes all the required fields.

  2. The Treeview widget is not correctly implemented: Make sure that the Treeview widget is properly initialized and that you have added all the necessary columns.

  3. Data is not properly inserted into the Treeview: Ensure that you are properly inserting data into the Treeview. Check if you have missed any steps or if there are any errors in your insertion code.

  4. There is no data to display: It is possible that the Treeview is empty because there is no data to display. Check if you are fetching data correctly from the database or from a file.

  5. The Treeview is not being updated: If you are adding data dynamically, make sure that you are refreshing the Treeview every time you add data.