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First, you need to generate a personal access token (PAT) on your GitHub account that has permissions to manage team memberships. Then, you can use the following Bash script to automate the process:


# Set variables

# Read a file containing a list of usernames (one per line)
while read -r USERNAME; do
    # Add the user to the team
    curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: token $PAT" "$ORG_NAME/teams/$TEAM_NAME/memberships/$USERNAME"
done < usernames.txt

Replace your-organization-name, your-team-name, your-personal-access-token, and usernames.txt with your own values. The usernames.txt file should contain a list of usernames (one per line) that you want to add to the team.

Save the script to a file (e.g. and make it executable using chmod +x Then, run the script with ./ to add the users to the team.